Why you need a journal

Daniel Wildt
Oct 29, 2020

You can't define what's going to happen with your life. But you can always define how you will handle a new situation in your life.

Knowing that, every day I stop and think about things I can celebrate and things I need to think/care about. Things I want to get better tomorrow. You can have different questions for a day, but I insist using the same set of questions for a while, so you can get deeper into your thoughts.

I use basecamp automatic checkins to help remind me about the process and also have a journal (red notebook) where I write using pen and paper sometimes. Usually when I'm feeling anxious I use this journal. I don't write everyday, but I do think about those questions on a daily basis.

Name 3 achievements you had today and 3 topics to care about tomorrow…

The good thing about having a journal is about making space to feel calm. When journaling, I see my self still. To me it's a calm moment, in calm space, so make sure you don't turn this into something you will laugh about you someday.

You need good habits, but don't build a trap you will not be able to get out later on. Remember to live your life, and keep your self together. Doing nothing is ok. Breathing is not optional.

I know I'm better when I have space and I use writing to better decisions.

— Daniel Wildt



Daniel Wildt

Entrepreneur, Software Developer, Agilista, Writer. I see great people and I connect them. :) Support my content creation process @ http://patreon.com/dwildt